Screen Rotation Control is an amazing screen controller tool to easily control your mobile screen. Screen controller tool that can change the orientation and rotation of the screen. You can change the screen orientation from the notification bar.
Rotated your screen by default your phone orientation, if you need it as per your choice to rotate your phone screen you can use and install this Screen Rotation Control application. In this application easy to control your phone Screen Orientation Portrait, Landscape, Horizontal, Vertical, Reverse portrait, and Reverse landscape.
Screen Orientation is easy to rotate your screen on all sides and easy to change the rotation of your notification area. Prevent screen auto rotation and choose the screen orientation that you want with any application.
Rotation Control is a screen control tool that can change the screen orientation. It provides all modes supported by Android and can be configured according to different events such as an app or call, lock, headset, charging, and docking.
Screen Orientation App is a Screen Rotation Control Ultimate app that will allow you to control your mobile screen. This is the best way to lock your screen orientation via the buttons on the notification panel.
This is an amazing Screen Rotation Control Ultimate app that will allow you to rotate and lock your screen orientation easily through the buttons on the notification panel. You can also set up a smart rotation event of your choice.
Available orientations:
• Landscape
• Reverse landscape
• Sensor landscape
• Portrait
• Reveres portrait
• Sensor portrait
• Sensor orientation (auto rotation)
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