Screen Mirroring Android App Source Code with Chromecast & Earn from AdMob!

With the increasing popularity of streaming devices like Chromecast, building a screen mirroring app for Android offers both a technical challenge and a promising business opportunity. This article will guide you through the steps to create a screen mirroring Android app using Chromecast and how to earn from it by integrating Google AdMob.

Why Build a Screen Mirroring App?

Screen mirroring apps allow users to display their phone screens on larger displays like TVs, which is helpful for watching videos, playing games, and even giving presentations. Chromecast is one of the most widely used streaming devices, making it an ideal platform to target. By combining the functionality of screen mirroring with smart monetization strategies like AdMob, you can create a valuable app while earning revenue.

Steps to Create the App:

1. Understand the Technology Stack

  • Chromecast SDK: Google Cast SDK is essential for building apps that work with Chromecast. This SDK will allow your app to send media from the Android device to a Chromecast device connected to a TV.
  • Media Projection API: To capture the screen of an Android device for mirroring, you’ll need to utilize the Media Projection API, which enables screen capturing and streaming.
  • Networking Protocols: Chromecast uses DIAL (Discovery and Launch protocol) and the Cast Media Control Channel for communication. Your app should be able to communicate with the Chromecast device over the same Wi-Fi network.

2. Design the User Interface (UI)

A clean, intuitive UI is critical for the success of any app. Consider the following design aspects:

  • Main Screen: A simple home screen where users can initiate screen mirroring. Include a clear button for users to connect to nearby Chromecast devices.
  • Device List: Display a list of available Chromecast devices that the user can connect to.
  • Casting Controls: Provide controls to start, stop, and adjust the screen mirroring process, such as play/pause or stop casting.
  • Error Handling: Users should be informed when there are connection issues or if the Chromecast device isn’t detected.

3. Implement Chromecast Integration

Integrating Chromecast is a key part of the app development process. While this requires technical work, understanding the flow is essential even for a non-developer:

  • Google Cast SDK: Chromecast works by connecting to the same Wi-Fi network as the Android device. When the user presses the “Cast” button in the app, the Google Cast SDK takes over and allows the user to stream their screen to the TV.
  • Media Projection API: This API will handle capturing the Android device’s screen. The captured data is sent to the Chromecast device through the Google Cast SDK.

4. Test the App

Once your app is developed, it’s essential to test it thoroughly:

  • Test screen mirroring on multiple Android devices.
  • Ensure compatibility with different Chromecast generations.
  • Test on different network speeds and conditions to ensure smooth casting.

Part 2: Monetizing the App with AdMob

Now that you’ve developed your screen mirroring app, it’s time to implement a strategy to earn revenue. AdMob, Google’s mobile ad network, allows you to integrate ads into your app and earn money based on impressions and clicks.

1. Create an AdMob Account

If you don’t have an AdMob account already, sign up at AdMob. You’ll also need to link your app to your account in order to start displaying ads.

2. Decide on Ad Formats

AdMob offers a variety of ad formats that you can integrate into your app:

  • Banner Ads: These are static ads that appear at the top or bottom of your app screen. They’re non-intrusive and provide a steady source of revenue.
  • Interstitial Ads: These are full-screen ads that appear at natural transition points, such as after the user stops casting. They tend to have higher payouts but should be used carefully to avoid interrupting the user experience.
  • Rewarded Video Ads: These allow users to watch a video in exchange for something, like unlocking premium features or casting without ads for a period of time. This can be an attractive option if your app has additional features.

3. Strategically Place Ads

Placement is key to maximizing ad revenue without annoying users. Here are a few strategies:

  • On the Home Screen: Display banner ads on the home screen while the user is browsing available Chromecast devices.
  • During Casting Transitions: Show interstitial ads during transitions, such as when the user starts or stops screen mirroring.
  • Rewarded Ads for Features: Offer premium features (like extended casting time or ad-free mirroring for a session) in exchange for watching a rewarded video ad.

4. Ad Frequency and User Experience

Balance is critical. Showing too many ads can frustrate users and lead to poor reviews, while too few ads will limit your earnings. Focus on non-intrusive ad placement that enhances rather than disrupts the user experience.

5. Track Performance & Optimize

After launching your app and integrating ads, use AdMob’s analytics tools to track the performance of your ads. Monitor impressions, click-through rates (CTR), and earnings to adjust your ad placements and formats for maximum revenue.

Part 3: Launching and Promoting Your App

1. Launch on Google Play

Once your app is complete, you’ll need to publish it on the Google Play Store. Create a compelling app listing with eye-catching screenshots and a well-written description that highlights the benefits of screen mirroring with Chromecast.

2. Promote the App

Use a combination of digital marketing strategies to promote your app:

  • Social Media: Promote your app on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influencers in the tech or home entertainment space to showcase your app’s features.
  • SEO for Google Play: Optimize your app’s description with relevant keywords to make it easier for users to discover.


Building a screen mirroring Android app with Chromecast integration can be a lucrative endeavor when combined with AdMob monetization. By understanding the technology stack, designing an intuitive UI, implementing Google Cast SDK, and using strategic ad placements, you can create a seamless user experience while generating revenue. Stay focused on user satisfaction, and continually optimize your app and ad strategy for long-term success.

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Thanks for reading: Screen Mirroring Android App Source Code with Chromecast & Earn from AdMob!, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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